My husband and I recently took a trip down to the low country to celebrate our anniversary and just simply unwind. The amount of days we spent in Charleston and Savannah plus the travel time was absolutely perfect, and made for a great vacation. If you've never been to either I'd highly recommend going. Both cities are in a beautiful area of the country with great food, nice people and lots to explore.
I knew I had to bring my camera with me for the trip and I'm so happy I did because, despite having a few rainy and overcast days, the architecture in both cities was stunning. Most people think of antebellum architecture when they think of the south, but Charleston and Savannah had styles that ranged from before the Civil War all the way to modern day. I'm particularly drawn to colonial and victorian architecture, so most of my photos from the trip reflect that style and time era, but there was way more beyond what these photos depict.
I could go on and on about the walking tours, the food we ate and the sites we saw, but I'll leave that for another lifstyle-blogging-esque time. However, if you're thinking of booking a trip down south and would like some recommendations feel free to hit me up! Otherwise, enjoy a few snapshots from our time down there and make sure to follow @formerlealbrecht on instagram for more photography, design, animation and video work :)