Election years are always big in America, but 2016 was unlike any other election year. Everything about it was unconventional, however when working in television, that might not be such a bad thing.
For the television biz, the 2016 Election season translated into content overload. There wasn't a day without a story or current event, which, come Election night, made the main event and results that much more anticipated.
When building a style for our social media campaign we knew we wanted to keep with our network standards and develop something polished yet also make it feel presidential. We knew we wanted the graphics to make a statement when we covered each candidates wins, as well. Knowing that each candidate would win certain states, our strategy also involved building out multiple versions of elements for the "just in case" scenarios, and boy were we glad we did that.
Politics aside, working election night was exciting because of the pace and enthusiasm in the television studio. It quickly becomes a results driven environment that presents its own challenges, and all of that coupled with working alongside your friends makes for a fun evening of prime time television. The television and social media teams worked hand in hand that night making it a successful multi-departmental event, too.
To the right are some of the graphics we contributed to the Newsmax social media and television audiences during election night.
All Images property of Newsmax Media. All Rights Reserved.
Role: Lead Designer
Client: Newsmax