"Conversations with Nancy Brinker" started out as a special on Newsmax TV, and eventually became a small series. When one of our EPs approached both the SVP of Network Programming and Nancy about the idea of a casual conversation piece, everyone agreed it was a nice change in tone to add to the network programming line up. The production took place during a very polarizing election year so everyone really enjoyed the idea of a show that was a bit more relaxed and benevolent in nature, as well. Sure, politics were a topic of discussion from time to time, but the overall content was quite different from the broadcast news norm.
When developing a style for the show we knew we wanted to create aesthetics that explored a casual and humanizing ambience that would compliment Nancy's character and the show content. The mood board we put together in pre-production was incredibly important when developing the show style. Everything from color choices, composition, textures and typography were directly influenced from the mood board, and ultimately evolved into the style you see to the right.
Check out Conversations with Nancy Brinker on Newsmax TV.
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Role: Lead Designer