What is the first thing you do when you get into the office in the morning? I'm sure it's a laundry list of things including checking email, pouring a hot cup of coffee, checking out current events from your trusted news source, scrolling through your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed, eating your favorite bowl of cereal, etc. I'll admit that my routine includes a couple of these steps plus others, but the one thing I have to do in order to get my day started is go through my Vimeo feed. In fact, it is one of the few tabs (plus my email) that is constantly open while others are opening and closing throughout the day. I love starting the day following various artists, seeing what people are currently working on or have recently wrapped up, and breaking down the posted works as much as I can. Most importantly though I'm paying attention to the trends and techniques utilized -what styles are being used? What is being overused? Underused? What kind of content is successful? Are all of the important elements of a story there? What is the story? What is the brand? -and the resulting social response(s) to those trends and techniques.
Today Psyop's Survival of the Fruits Chobani spot caught my immediate attention. I have always been a huge fan of Psyop's work and they never seem to disappoint. Survival of the Fruits displays exceptional design and storytelling skills, and is a brilliantly animated piece. The unique representation of characters is equally entertaining and brings the 'fruit in its natural habitat' theme and brand come to life, too. I definitely hit the favorite button on this one and am adding it to my endless list of inspirations. Watch the video here.
Today is a 2 for 1 deal because not only was I intrigued by the above mentioned video but my good friend, DJ HR Beats, put out a new mix called Hot Tub Music yesterday and it is awesome. Sure, I'm biased because I know Hareesh personally but in all seriousness this guy is good. I mean really good! He knows how to entertain a crowd and how to seamlessly combine different sounds together, and I always enjoy listening to his mash ups. Anyway, this mix definitely put a couple of project ideas in my head, so along with Psyop, I'm putting this on my endless list, too.
Enjoy the links! Caroline