For the 7th edition of 36 Days of Type I decided to focus on the basic principles of animation. Instead of designing the typeface, I decided to purchase the following vector typeface, Pisiko, from designer Irene Cula Geli on I was drawn to her use of basic shapes and forms for this typeface and knew it would be a perfect fit for the playful animation style I was hoping to achieve. Ultimately the goal was to use principles like squash and stretch, exaggeration, anticipation, follow through, etc. to inject life into each letter and number and give them their own individual character/identity.
I was heavily inspired by the animation style of various artists and studios including, but not limited to (and in no particular order), Eduard Mykhailov, Jordan Scott, Jose Pena, Greg Stewart, Claudio Salas, Jorge Canedo, Andrew Vucko, Joash Berkeley, Ameen Shahid, and the teams at Ordinary Folk, Gunner Animation, Buck and Cub Studio. These people are the creme de la creme of 2D motion design, injecting life into everything they touch, and I look up to their talents greatly.
Thank you to everyone who followed along and joined in the journey. Already looking forward to next year’s edition!
To learn more about the annual 36 Days of Type challenge please visit